Travel Clinic

At Earls Court Chemist we are proud to offer a comprehensive travel vaccination service that ensures our customers receive the highest level of care and protection for their upcoming journeys.


Our dedicated team of experienced pharmacists and healthcare professionals are committed to providing personalized advice, tailored to each individual's unique travel needs.


Our travel vaccination service includes:

1. Pre-travel consultation: Our expert pharmacists will conduct a thorough assessment of your travel itinerary, taking into account factors such as destination, duration, and activities planned. This allows us to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information on the vaccinations and health precautions necessary for your trip.

2. Vaccination administration: We stock a wide range of vaccines, including those for common travel-related diseases such as hepatitis A, typhoid, and yellow fever. Our trained professionals will administer the required vaccinations in a clean, comfortable, and safe environment, ensuring that you are well-protected for your journey.

3. Personalized travel health advice: In addition to vaccinations, our team will provide you with essential tips and recommendations on how to stay healthy during your travels. This may include advice on food and water safety, insect bite prevention, and altitude sickness, among other topics.

4. Post-travel care: Should you experience any health concerns upon your return, our team is available to provide guidance and support. We are committed to ensuring your well-being even after your trip has concluded.

5. Convenient scheduling: We understand that planning a trip can be hectic, which is why we offer flexible appointment times to accommodate your busy schedule. Simply give us a call or visit our website to book an appointment at a time that suits you best.




At Earls Court Chemist our goal is to provide exceptional customer service and support throughout your travel vaccination experience. We are dedicated to helping you stay healthy and safe during your adventures, so you can focus on creating unforgettable memories.


Services & Prices